terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2019

Brazilian cooperation in science, technology and innovation

Brazil has signed over 40 bilateral agreements on cooperation in science, technology and innovation, in addition to addressing the subject in several regional and multilateral mechanisms and forums. In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, developments in these areas depend more and more on collaboration between countries.

           In the science, technology and innovation field, the establishment of the country’s major institutions is associated with international cooperation. In the 1950s, institutions such as the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Pure and Applied Mathematics Institution (IMPA), the National Commission for Nuclear Energy (CNEN) and the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) were created in partnership with the United States, France and Germany, for example. The National Strategy in Science, Technology and Innovation (ENCTI 2016-2022) is the framework for activities of science, technology and innovation in the country.
ENCTI guidelines have been followed to complement national capacities through international cooperation activities and projects.
In addition to the traditional diplomacy in science and technology, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to join the efforts in transforming the productive profile of the Brazilian economy and fostering competitiveness of its industry, with a view to creating conditions for Brazil's insertion in the most advanced global production chains through innovation diplomacy.
Innovation diplomacy consists of a set of government actions to internationalize its innovation systems, with a view to creating skilled jobs and increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy thus improving the country’s insertion in global production chains. The role of the innovation diplomacy includes the following activities:
- promote cooperation between public and private entities that make up the National Innovation System, with a view to fostering its internationalization. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ network of embassies and consulates allows on-site, skilled interactions, with actors in the main global innovation ecosystems;
- propose an agenda with issues of national interest to be addressed abroad so as to raise the profile of Brazil as a hub of knowledge creation, thus strengthening the country’s brand in the innovation field;
- take part in the formulation of strategies and public policies based on successful experiences abroad, with the aim of improving the National Innovation System

Source: www.itamaraty.gov.br

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